Thursday, 26 January 2017

Running - What You'll Need

It's come to my attention we may or may not have a new runner on their own, or possibly with another runner. Since the appropriate authority has not stepped up, I will. Consider this your official Runner shopping list.


1) A water bottle. You can fill it up at public buildings with bathrooms, restaurants, whatever. Don't try to conserve your water - you'll be better at tearing them a new one while fully hydrated.

2) A flask. Sometimes water isn't going to cut it, and you want caffeine, soup or generally something more substantial. A warm drink is good for morale, and morale is good for survival. Flasks are heavy so they also make a pretty good improvised blunt weapon. And pouring scalding hot coffee on someone never gets old.

3) A scarf, preferably a thick one. It's multipurpose. You can use it for warmth, anonymity, wrap it around wounds, fold it into a makeshift pillow.

4) A roll of toilet paper. Whether it's for clearing your nose on cold nights, wiping tears or just plain wiping your ass with and stuffing it into an attacker's mouth.

5) A plastic jug. We all piss and unfortunately there aren't toilets everywhere, particularly not in hiding places. After use, throwing it also deters attackers quite effectively, even more so than the conventional weapon brandishing and yelling creative threats.

6) Toiletries. Soap, baby wipes, hand sanitiser, toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, just some things to keep you clean and blend in with the general populace, or sanitise wounds. Also, dry shampoo. Period pads, if applicable. Cheaper than tampons.

7) Cereal bars. If you're travelling and can't get to anywhere with food, these will keep you going.

8) Warm clothes. I can't stress this enough. Get a lot of layers, and don't forget gloves and socks. A waterproof is also a godsend.

9) Access to at least one thing of sentimental value. A picture on your phone, or a teddy, a necklace of your mother's, or anything like that. Whatever it takes to keep your head and remember who you are, is worth having.

Good Places To Know

1) Bakeries. OK, you're probably wondering what the fuck this is, but seriously. Bakeries make food on the day and then they throw it out in the evening when they close. Just find a side or back alley around the bakery and loot. It's relatively fresh and clean food, and free.

2) Petrol stations. You can get food here, they've always got toilets and these are usually open 24 hours with at least someone staffing it. If you feel unsafe, this is a good last resort refuge.

3) Public swimming pools. These places have showers with hot water. Good for the soul. 

4) Public libraries. A roof over your head, computer access, and relatively enough to keep you entertained. If it's not too busy and you're sneaky enough, you can get away with sleeping there. There are plenty of shelves and storerooms to hide in and get some shut-eye.

5) Food banks. Obviously. You get free food here.

6) Shelters. You can use a search engine to find one close by.

Things To Know

1) Not all the threats you face will be monsters or their servants. The weather is sometimes a bitch and the people are bitches too. Just keep that in mind.

2) When someone hurts you or makes you feel unsafe, derail all pleasantries. Exercise your bitch-slapping hand. Don't give into the social conditioning to be polite and not make a fuss. You scream and fight, you run, you do whatever it takes to get out alive.

3) If it comes to a fight, remember this isn't a Victorian gentlemen's boxing match. There are no rules, no etiquette in real fighting. Go straight for the weak spots - eyes, balls, neck, solar plexus, stamp on their jaw when they're down. You might not get a chance to land too many hits, so make every strike count in both placement and strength. This is one of the first things I was taught by my mentor and I promise you, it has never steered me wrong.

4) Running away is underrated. Adrenaline is just as much for running away as it is punching predators to a pulp. Not every fight has to end in someone dying or being knocked out. Not every fight even has to start at all. There's no shame in running like hell. People totally win medals for running like hell.

5) Carrying a weapon can be a *sunglasses* double-edged sword depending on police and security. Laws vary so I can't really give a blanket statement on this. If you do get hold of something like a gun or a knife, don't wave it around too much, have a damn good hiding place (or a fucking immaculate excuse) and as soon as you get the chance, have someone teach you how to use it.

6) Wherever possible, get a decent night's sleep. Or day's. If you dream, that's a good sign. Even if you have nightmares, that's a good sign. You're processing what's going on and your brain is preparing you to handle threats. Servants count on you being sleepless, being unfed, being dehydrated, being scared. So, if they pick on you, give them something to think about in hospital.

This is by no means comprehensive, but I hope it's a good starting point. Stay hydrated, stay fed, get sleep, and when someone attacks, you bring your A-game. And then you strangle them with it and throw them into a river. Whatever works.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Oh Shit, Wrong Email


I wrote my own bloody email address wrong in my own bloody contact page.

I am a tosser.

God knows how many people have tried to contact me and I haven't know. Whether it's few or loads, I don't think I want to know either way.

There it is.

Now let me get this swear out of my system.

FUUUUCK. Shite. Bollocks. Merde. Mierda. Блядь! Faen. I am a shitbrain. I shit liquid bollocks into my own head. I have been twatted in the face with the brutal cricket bat of my own fuckery.

That was a joke. Swearing is never out of my system, bitches.


Over time, someone (and my gut says that someone is Graham) has been sending letters to me. Not letter as in a written note, email actually, but the alphabet kind of letters. Nothing that I can comprehend, but I better lay it out in case I forget. For twelve consecutive days I was sent a daily email that simply said C. Then the emails stopped. Then I received sixteen daily emails of the letter H. Finally, two days and daily, the letter N. Twelve Cs, sixteen Hs, two Ns. Is someone fucking with me or spamming me, or does this mean something? Because I really can't think of anything this would anagram to or spell. And if this involves numbers, forget it. Dyscalculia shot that horse in the face a long time ago.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Game Changer

I was taught how to fight and shoot. And I was instructed on how to bring down proxy groups systematically. That meant cutting down proxy leaders, cutting off their resources, their power. My mentor was trained in combat, in sabotage, like nobody I've ever known.

It feels like, in this particular city, the game has changed here. And I'm more than just a little out of my depth. Servants are popping up seriously fast, faster than I remember. Taking out leaders of proxy gangs has become even more whack-a-mole that it was before. You smash one gang in and it splinters into six more. People are losing their minds faster. Missing persons reports, mutilations, turf wars. And however much it's covered up, I know everyone here senses something is going on. How much longer can we keep the lid on this?

I need to figure this out. And not get killed. I have a good track record of the latter, I guess. Not so much the former.

Monday, 16 January 2017


So, I fed the substance to a spider. This wasn't easy, by the way. The first time, it turns out if you put out a random substance even spiders are smart enough not to eat it.

The second time I managed to kill a fly and put the substance on it. This time the spider played ball. It scuttled around in some very weird, intricate but definitely precise patterns for a while. I tried using some pen ink to chart it but it wasn't particularly successful. That was until the spider started to spin a web. It was making a pattern until it suddenly died, crumpled up, or so I thought. Later I noticed it was gone, and I hadn't moved it. Can spiders pass out?